How to render a dynamic table in React Js

Lance Ranawana  
1/1/2023, 12:00:00 AM

I am using spring boot and jpa to create the table but I need to create table without @Id primary key column.It is not giving me to make the table without this @Id field. How to get this using spring data jpa?


Lance Ranawana  
1/1/2023, 12:00:00 AM

The Row lets you specify column widths across 12 breakpoint sizes (xs, sm, md, lg, xl and xxl). For every breakpoint, you can specify the amount of columns that will fit next to each other. You can also specify auto to set the columns to their natural widths.

React Js Component Description
import { useRef, useEffect, useState, ReactNode } from 'react'
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'
import styles from "./Overlay.module.css"

interface PortalProps {
    children: ReactNode

export const Portal = (props: OverlayProps) => {
  const ref = useRef<Element | null>(null)
  const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false)

  useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#portal")
  }, [])

  return (mounted && ref.current) ? createPortal(<div className={styles.overlay}>{props.children}</div>, ref.current) : null
Lance Ranawana  
1/1/2023, 12:00:00 AM

USE JPA PROJECTIONS In your case you dont have a primary key so use JpaProjections to get the fields you want first declare Entity as

This alert box could indicate a successful or positive action.
Lance Ranawana  
1/1/2023, 12:00:00 AM

The Row lets you specify column widths across 12 breakpoint sizes (xs, sm, md, lg, xl and xxl). For every breakpoint, you can specify the amount of columns that will fit next to each other. You can also specify auto to set the columns to their natural widths.

React Js Component Description
import { useRef, useEffect, useState, ReactNode } from 'react'
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'
import styles from "./Overlay.module.css"

interface PortalProps {
    children: ReactNode

export const Portal = (props: OverlayProps) => {
  const ref = useRef<Element | null>(null)
  const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false)

  useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#portal")
  }, [])

  return (mounted && ref.current) ? createPortal(<div className={styles.overlay}>{props.children}</div>, ref.current) : null
Lance Ranawana  
1/1/2023, 12:00:00 AM

The Row lets you specify column widths across 12 breakpoint sizes (xs, sm, md, lg, xl and xxl). For every breakpoint, you can specify the amount of columns that will fit next to each other. You can also specify auto to set the columns to their natural widths.

React Js Component Description
import { useRef, useEffect, useState, ReactNode } from 'react'
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'
import styles from "./Overlay.module.css"

interface PortalProps {
    children: ReactNode

export const Portal = (props: OverlayProps) => {
  const ref = useRef<Element | null>(null)
  const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false)

  useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#portal")
  }, [])

  return (mounted && ref.current) ? createPortal(<div className={styles.overlay}>{props.children}</div>, ref.current) : null
Lance Ranawana  
1/1/2023, 12:00:00 AM

The Row lets you specify column widths across 12 breakpoint sizes (xs, sm, md, lg, xl and xxl). For every breakpoint, you can specify the amount of columns that will fit next to each other. You can also specify auto to set the columns to their natural widths.

React Js Component Description
import { useRef, useEffect, useState, ReactNode } from 'react'
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'
import styles from "./Overlay.module.css"

interface PortalProps {
    children: ReactNode

export const Portal = (props: OverlayProps) => {
  const ref = useRef<Element | null>(null)
  const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false)

  useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#portal")
  }, [])

  return (mounted && ref.current) ? createPortal(<div className={styles.overlay}>{props.children}</div>, ref.current) : null
Lance Ranawana  
2/11/2023, 12:00:00 AM
Reisa's room