React Js forEach vs map in JSX

Last updated : Jul 30, 2023 12:00 AM

The map function iterates an array and returns a map. On the other hand, the forEach function iterates an array and returns nothing.

Using forEach in JSX

The Array.forEach function returns void. If I forEach my countries array in JSX, it will not print anything.

export const App = () => {
  const countries = ['USA', 'Canada', 'Australia', 'Japan', 'India']
    {countries.forEach(country => {
      return <div>{country}</div> //does not work
export default App

Using forEach in JSX

For rendering elements in JSX, it is recommended to use function instead of Array.forEach. If I must use forEach, I can push each modified array element into a second array. Then render the second array in JSX. It doesn't make much sense. Doesn't it?

import { ReactElement } from "react"
export const App = () => {
  const countries = ['USA', 'Canada', 'Australia', 'Japan', 'India']
  let forEachCountries: ReactElement[] = []

  const getForEachCountries = (): ReactElement[] => {
    countries.forEach(country => {
    return forEachCountries
export default App

Using in JSX

The map function iterates an array and returns a map. I define how I want my map elements in the return statement. That way, I don't have to maintain a separate array to hold the modified array elements I want to render.

export const App = () => {
  const countries = ['USA', 'Canada', 'Australia', 'Japan', 'India']
      { => {
        return <li>{country}</li>
export default App

If you don't intend to create a map out of array elements or don't intend to render the contents of an array in JSX, don't use the map function. Use forEach instead.


By: Lance

Hi, I'm Lance Raney, a dedicated Fullstack Developer based in Oklahoma with over 15 years of exp