An array is a fixed-length list of variables of the same data type. An array can be one-dimensional or multidimensional.
Arrays are the most common data structure used across many programming languages. Most built-in data structures in programming languages, such as Lists, Maps, and tables, use arrays under the hood. There are two types of arrays.
This chapter will investigate how one-dimensional arrays are created and managed in Java. We will perform basic operations, such as sorting, deleting, inserting, searching, and reversing elements on an array. More complex and efficient algorithms are discussed in later chapters. Please note that we use the unsorted arrays below examples. We will use sorted arrays when we discuss more standard and complex data structures.
The above code declares the variable arr and defines it as an array of integers with an array length of 10. This code creates an array with empty elements. This array can hold only integer values.
When an array is defined with a given size, the size cannot be extended or shrunk later. Therefore, an array defined as
The valid range for the above array is
int length = arr.length -> 10
First element index - 0
Last element index - length-1 -> 9
To insert an item, mention the index position of the item to be inserted. Note that if a value exists in the index position, the new value will override the existing value.
arr[0] = 100; //Insert into first position
arr[1] = 124; //Insert into second position
arr[9] = 800; //Insert into 10th (last) position
Note that the insert position depends on the index. To populate the array in order, we must know the index of the next empty position in the array. Let's find out how we can insert elements into the array without leaving empty indexes between items.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = new int[10];
public static void main(String[] args) {
insertItem(arr, 24);
insertItem(arr, 10);
insertItem(arr, 35);
insertItem(arr, 1);
insertItem(arr, 16);
insertItem(arr, 8);
private static void insertItem(int[] arr, int item) {
int length = arr.length;
for(int a=0; a < length; a++) {
if(arr[a] == 0) {
arr[a] = item;
Note that we use an array of integers. The default uninitialized value for int is 0. Therefore, we check if each position is 0 to determine if a value in that position exists or not. The comparison will have been against null if this is an array of objects. The new value is not inserted if the int array is already full.
To delete an item from an array, first, we have to know the item's index to be deleted. Then, we have to left-shift all the items to the deleted item. That will leave the array in a consistent state. The below code deletes an item from the array and shifts the remaining items to the left to fill the gap.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = {24, 10, 35, 1, 16, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0};
public static void main(String[] args) {
deleteItem(arr, 24);
private static void deleteItem(int[] arr, int item) {
int length = arr.length;
for(int a=0; a < length-1; a++) {
if(arr[a] == item) {
for(int b=a; b < length-1; b++) {
arr[b] = arr[b+1];
arr[length-1] = 0;//To ensure last element set to default value
Search algorithms return the item index for the matching element. We will be discussing search algorithms in more detail during advanced algorithms topics. If the search item doesn't exist in the array, the code will return -1.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = {24, 10, 35, 1, 16, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0};
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(searchItem(arr, 16));
private static int searchItem(int[] arr, int item) {
int length = arr.length;
for(int a=0; a < length-1; a++) {
if(arr[a] == item) {
return a;
return -1;
An array can be reversed in many different ways. The below algorithm uses the original array and modifies it during iterations.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void reverseArray(int[] arr) {
int first = 0;
int last = arr.length-1;
int temp;
while(first <= last) {
temp = arr[first];
arr[first] = arr[last];
arr[last] = temp;
This reverse algorithm can also help us to solve another common code challenge asked in most interviews. How to determine if a given the word is a palindrome? We will discuss more complex variations of this question in advanced algorithm topics. But for now, let's take a look at this simple implementation.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static String str = "1Able was I ere I saw Elba1";
public static void main(String[] args) {
//To eliminate any spaces
String trimmedStr = str.replaceAll(" ", "");
//Convert the word to array before reversing
char arr[] = trimmedStr.toCharArray();
System.out.println("The word : " + str+ " is"+(trimmedStr.equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(arr)) ? "" : " not")+" a palindrome");
private static void reverseArray(char[] arr) {
int first = 0;
int last = arr.length-1;
char temp;
while(first <= last) {
temp = arr[first];
arr[first] = arr[last];
arr[last] = temp;
We can sort the array in descending order with a minor change to the ascending-order sort algorithm.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = {6, 10, 8, 9, 7, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2};
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void sortArray(int[] arr) {
int length = arr.length-1;
int temp;
for(int a=0; a < length-1; a++) {
for(int b=0; b < length-a; b++) {
if(arr[b] < arr[b+1]) {
temp = arr[b];
arr[b] = arr[b+1];
arr[b+1] = temp;
That is how we sort an array in ascending order. This algorithm is called bubble sort. More about it in later chapters.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = {6, 10, 8, 9, 7, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2};
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void sortArray(int[] arr) {
int length = arr.length-1;
int temp;
for(int a=0; a < length-1; a++) {
for(int b=0; b < length-a; b++) {
if(arr[b] > arr[b+1]) {
temp = arr[b];
arr[b] = arr[b+1];
arr[b+1] = temp;
This algorithm returns the index of the maximum number in the array.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = {6, 10, 8, 9, 7, 1, 5, 3, 24, 2};
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static int findMax(int[] arr) {
int length = arr.length;
int temp = arr[0];
for(int a=1; a < length; a++) {
if(arr[a] > temp) {
temp = arr[a];
return temp;
We can find the minimum number in the array with a minor change to the max number algorithm.
public class LearnBestCoding {
static int[] arr = {6, 10, 8, 9, 7, 1, 5, 3, 24, 2};
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static int findMax(int[] arr) {
int length = arr.length;
int temp = arr[0];
for(int a=1; a < length; a++) {
if(arr[a] < temp) {
temp = arr[a];
return temp;
In this chapter, we looked at how to create a one-dimensional array. We also applied basic algorithms on that array to insert, sort, delete, search, etc. That is a prerequisite to preparing for arrays' data structures and algorithms.
In the next chapter, we will learn how to create a multi-dimensional array and apply basic algorithms to perform basic operations. The multi-dimensional arrays are a bit more complex than one-dimensional arrays. Therefore, multi-dimensional arrays deserve a dedicated chapter to master them.