You can add dynamic properties to an object with
Here is how to define an interface that allows me to add dynamic properties to it.
interface DynamicAddress {
[name: string] : string
Then I can add dynamic properties to it like:
person.lastName = "Last Name"
person.houseNumber = "Street No"
That can be useful when calculating property values based on other property values.
Here is an example of how to use dynamic properties in a React Js application.
My presentation component knows nothing about business logic. It displays what it receives.
interface DynamicAddress {
[name: string] : string
export const Person = (props: DynamicAddress) =>{
const data = Object.keys(props).map((key) =>
<tr key={key}><td>{props[key]}</td><td><input/></td></tr>
I use the dynamic properties to populate the DynamicAddress interface. That way, I can add any property name and value pair depending on my requirements.
import {Person} from "./components/SuccessMessage"
import Styles from "./components/Typrscript"
interface DynamicAddress {
[name: string] : string
export const App = () => {
const createPersonProfile = (country: string): DynamicAddress => {
const address: DynamicAddress = {}
address.firstName = "First Name"
if(country === "USA"){
address.lastName = "Last Name"
address.houseNumber = "Street No"
address.street = "Street"
address.state = "State" = "Zip" = "Phone"
address.alternatePhone = "Cell"
address.lastName = "Family Name"
address.houseNumber = "No"
address.street = "Road"
address.state = "Province" = "Post Code" = "Tel"
address.alternatePhone = "Mobile"
} = "City"
return address
export default App
I can delete any property from my object with the delete statement.
Another practical usage of dynamic properties is to add CSS styles to a component, particularly when the style properties are calculated.
interface StyleProps {
country: string
export const Styles = (props: StyleProps) => {
interface CssStyles {
[name: string] : string
const getCssStyles = (country: string): CssStyles => {
const styles: CssStyles = {}
if(country === "USA"){
styles.backgroundColor = "blue"
styles.fontStyle= "itslic"
if(country === "CANADA"){
styles.backgroundColor = "red"
styles.fontStyle= "bold"
if(country === "JAPAN"){
styles.backgroundColor = "pink"
styles.fontStyle= "normal"
return styles
<div style={{...getCssStyles(}}>Styles</div>
export default Styles
That simplifies the typical usage of the component.