Adding dynamic properties in React Js

Last updated : Jul 30, 2023 12:00 AM

You can add dynamic properties to an object with [name: string] : string. Replace the string data type as required.

Here is how to define an interface that allows me to add dynamic properties to it.

interface DynamicAddress {
  [name: string] : string

Then I can add dynamic properties to it like:

person.lastName = "Last Name"
person.houseNumber = "Street No"

That can be useful when calculating property values based on other property values.

Here is an example of how to use dynamic properties in a React Js application.

My presentation component knows nothing about business logic. It displays what it receives.

interface DynamicAddress {
  [name: string] : string
export const Person = (props: DynamicAddress) =>{
  const data = Object.keys(props).map((key) => 
      <tr key={key}><td>{props[key]}</td><td><input/></td></tr>

I use the dynamic properties to populate the DynamicAddress interface. That way, I can add any property name and value pair depending on my requirements.

import {Person} from "./components/SuccessMessage"
import Styles from "./components/Typrscript"

interface DynamicAddress {
  [name: string] : string
export const App = () => {
const createPersonProfile = (country: string): DynamicAddress => {
  const address: DynamicAddress = {}
  address.firstName = "First Name"
  if(country === "USA"){
    address.lastName = "Last Name"
    address.houseNumber = "Street No"
    address.street = "Street"
    address.state = "State" = "Zip" = "Phone"
    address.alternatePhone = "Cell"
    address.lastName = "Family Name"
    address.houseNumber = "No"
    address.street = "Road"
    address.state = "Province" = "Post Code" = "Tel"
    address.alternatePhone = "Mobile"
  } = "City"
  return address
export default App
Figure 1: React Js dynamic styles and properties
Figure 1: React Js dynamic styles and properties

Deleting a dynamic property from an object

I can delete any property from my object with the delete statement.
delete will delete the city property from the DynamicAddress object.

Using dynamic properties for styles

Another practical usage of dynamic properties is to add CSS styles to a component, particularly when the style properties are calculated.

interface StyleProps {
    country: string
export const Styles = (props: StyleProps) => {
interface CssStyles {
    [name: string] : string
 const getCssStyles = (country: string): CssStyles => {
    const styles: CssStyles = {}
    if(country === "USA"){
        styles.backgroundColor = "blue"
        styles.fontStyle= "itslic"
    if(country === "CANADA"){
        styles.backgroundColor = "red"
        styles.fontStyle= "bold"
    if(country === "JAPAN"){
        styles.backgroundColor = "pink"
        styles.fontStyle= "normal"

    return styles

    <div style={{...getCssStyles(}}>Styles</div>
export default Styles

That simplifies the typical usage of the component.

Placeholder 6Description
<Styles country="CANADA"/>
<Styles country="USA"/>
<Styles country="JAPAN"/>

By: Lance

Hi, I'm Lance Raney, a dedicated Fullstack Developer based in Oklahoma with over 15 years of exp