How to disable form elements in React js

Last updated : Jul 30, 2023 12:00 AM

The HTML element's disabled property allows us to enable or disable an HTML form element. We can combine that property with React's state variable to control enabling and disabling an HTML element.

Enable or disable input element

The state variable isReadOnly controls the disabled property of the input element. The below example is applicable for checkboxes and radio buttons as well.

import { useState } from "react"
export const App = () => {
  const [isReadOnly, setIsReadOnly] = useState(false)
        <input placeholder="Your name" disabled={isReadOnly}/>
        <button onClick={() => setIsReadOnly(prev => !prev)}>
          {isReadOnly ? "Enable Input" : "Disable Input"}
export default App

Enable or disable select input

import { useState } from "react"
export const App = () => {
   const [isReadOnly, setIsReadOnly] = useState<boolean>(false)
            <select disabled={isReadOnly}>
            <button onClick={() => setIsReadOnly(prev => !prev)}>
               {isReadOnly ? "Enable select" : "Disable select"}
export default App

The disabled property is applicable in the options as well. That will disable the relevant option instead of the entire select input.

  <option disabled={isReadOnly}>DOS</option>

Enable or disable textarea

import { useState } from "react"
export const App = () => {
  const [isReadOnly, setIsReadOnly] = useState<boolean>(false)
        <textarea placeholder="Your comments" disabled={isReadOnly}/>
        <button onClick={() => setIsReadOnly(prev => !prev)}>
          {isReadOnly ? "Enable textarea" : "Disable textarea"}
export default App

Enable or disable datalist

import { useState } from "react"
export const App = () => {
  const [isReadOnly, setIsReadOnly] = useState<boolean>(false)
      <input list="os" disabled={isReadOnly}/>
          <datalist id="os">
            <option value="Mac"/>
            <option value="Windows"/>
            <option value="iOS"/>
            <option value="Android"/>
            <option value="Linux"/>
            <option value="DOS"/>
        <button onClick={() => setIsReadOnly(prev => !prev)}>
          {isReadOnly ? "Enable datalist" : "Disable datalist"}
export default App

Applying the disabled property at the option level will disable the particular option. However, if you disable an option, that option will disappear from the option list.

<datalist id="os">
    <option value="Mac"/>
    <option value="Windows"/>
    <option value="iOS"/>
    <option value="Android"/>
    <option value="Linux"/>
    <option value="DOS" disabled={isReadOnly}/>

By: Lance

Hi, I'm Lance Raney, a dedicated Fullstack Developer based in Oklahoma with over 15 years of exp