3 ways to pass object props to React functional component

Last updated : Jul 30, 2023 12:00 AM

Let's look at three different ways to pass props to a React Js component. Passing props depends on the method signature of the React component receiving props.

1. The component defines prop type in the interface.

My component DisplayTable accepts props as defined in the DisplayTableProps interface

interface DisplayTableProps {
  name: string
  salary: number
  position: string
export const DisplayTable = (props: DisplayTableProps) =>{

There are a few ways I can pass props to my DisplayTable component.

Pass individual props separately.

import { DisplayTable } from "./components/SuccessMessage"
export const App = () => {
        position="Software Engineer"

Pass a spread object

I can create an object that contains the same properties as the DisplayTableProps.

const employee = {name: "Tomoyuki", salary: 140000, position: "Engineering Manager"}

Then I can spread it and pass it to my component.

<DisplayTable {...{...employee}}/>

Pass an inline object

I can create the object inline and pass it to the component. But the object properties must match with the interface DisplayTableProps.

Placeholder 5Description
<DisplayTable {...{name: "Tomoyuki", salary: 140000, position: "Engineering Manager"}}/>

2. The component accepts an object as props

Here my component accepts an object type DisplayTableProps.

interface DisplayTableProps {
  name: string
  salary: number
  position: string
type Props = {
  employee: DisplayTableProps
export const DisplayTable = ({employee}: Props) =>{

In this case, the usage is less verbose. I only have to pass the object reference to the component.

import { DisplayTable } from "./components/SuccessMessage"
  export default const App = () => {
        <DisplayTable employee={employee}/>

I also can spread and pass an inline object like the one below.

<DisplayTable {...{employee:{name: "Tomoyuki", salary: 140000, position: "Engineering Manager"}}}/>

3. The component uses a subset of the interface properties

In this scenario, my component only uses a subset of properties defined in the DisplayTableProps interface. I de-struct the props and used only the salary and the name. This method is identical to method 1.

interface DisplayTableProps {
  name: string
  salary: number
  position: string
export const DisplayTable = ({name, salary}:DisplayTableProps) =>{

Note that I must still pass the complete set of properties even though the component doesn't use them.

import { DisplayTable } from "./components/SuccessMessage"
export const App = () => {
      <DisplayTable {...{name: "Jeff", salary: 150000, position: "Director"}}/>

I also can create an object, spread it and pass it as props

const employee = {name: "Jeff", salary: 150000, position: "Director"}
<DisplayTable {...{...employee}}/>

Passing individual properties is also an option.

   position="Software Engineer"

By: Lance

Hi, I'm Lance Raney, a dedicated Fullstack Developer based in Oklahoma with over 15 years of exp